As you may or may not have noticed, the website went down the other day. The rumours about why this had happened were extremely entertaining, my favourite involved the photoshopped picture I made of Glen humping Jamie! The reality is far less hilarious, and actually a bit boring so if you want to stop reading here then please feel free.
Basically I hadn't checked our registration renewal with the Union (the bit that requires a current student to be responsible for the hosting space we occupy on the Union servers) and they took us offline for a bit. Sellens, being the all star action superhero and general organisational guru that he is, managed in 24 hours to get the site back up and running. If you see him, buy him a beer. I would, but beer does not mail very well...
Also on a side note, if you're buying any last minute DVDs and CDs this weekend for Christmas, or you just want to download Rage to stop that little gay off the X-factor getting to number one, please consider buying from Amazon through the link on the homepage (or below), as the club gets a referral from the purchases which all helps the club to keep being the best in the world (though not in Yorkshire 4...maybe I need to head back up with my speed boots...). This is also true for textbooks you may need in the new year!!