Monday 21 September 2009

Gala Day - Golfers please contact Glen


As many of you will know by now, Gala Dinner has been pencilled in for Saturday 14th November. The usual ruloes apply, however this year is a little more ambitious than usual.

Glen Irving (Chief Old Boy) has devised an ingenious way to turn what was once a mere dinner into a day long event of high quality fin and entertainment, able to be enjoyed by young and old alike. By his own admission the turd...sorry, 'plan' needs a little polishing, however the basic premise is below.

Please let Glen know if you would like to play golf. You don't need to be good, but no 'Happy Gilmore' shots will be fact, to be safe it's probably best to say that anything associated with the word 'Gilmore' be banned from the golf. Sorry Simon.

Gala Fun Day:

9am: Bacon roll and mug of tea at Beauchief.

10am: 4 ball/4-some matchplay. Allocations of pairings TBA when we work out who is coming.

Adjourn to suitable establishment to watch local or International Rugby. Eng V Arg 1500. Tigers V St Helens, or Medics V Old Gravians. Options being looked in to.

7pm: S.M.R.U.F.C Gala Dinner. Holiday Inn. Dinner, Drink, Disco, No speeches, Not black tie, ladies welcome.

Costs are estimated to be as follows:
Bacon Sandwich & Tea £3, Golf £22, Dinner £30.

Sunday 20 September 2009

Website Updates 09/10 Season


Firstly, apologies for being the world's worst webmaster over the latter half of last season, my computer went up in smoke so I've had to buy a new one! Should be able to eventually salvage the old one as well when I find out what's wrong with it, so should always be backed up in future!

Anyway, this is the new 'News' section of the site, it is in no way 100% finished, however I've chosen a blog for the news page as there are several great advantages. The first is that the committee can now log in and post news articles straight onto here, so even if I'm being crap there will always be new content on the site. Secondly, I can create an RSS feed so that the tech-savvy amongst you can be automatically updated with the latest updates from the club. Thirdly, blogger (the host site) is run by google, which should enable us to do some clever things with the club gmail account where the calendar is stored.

There are several other updates which I'll roll out this week, some obvious, others fairly cutting edge! The obvious ones include the new committee's details, the updating of the homepage (April's cheese of the month is probably a little mature by now!) and this news page. The less obvious (but much more awesome!) include the Amazon Associates scheme. I'll post a news item specifically about this a little later, but what it basically means is that if everyone buys their textbooks, cds, christmas presents etc off Amazon through the club website, the club gets a cut of the profits (up to 15%!!) which is easy money in my book. The Old Boys' section of the site needs a good deal of work, and I'm hoping to get that sorted by Christmas.

I hope everyone's having a good start to the season, hope to see you all soon.

Beard xxx