Thursday, 17 December 2009
Website Downtime...
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Josh King
Matt Laidler
Chris You
Henry Wyse
T Relph Guest
Tom Cash
Jim Clarke
Mike Long
Mike Long guest
People I would like your money by tuesday or I will keep bothering you!
If your name is not on here, I will be eating you on tuesday. You have been warned.
Sam Rigby
Demetri Doultsinous
Alex Episcopou
Simon Webster
R M Tyzzer
Y Salamony
A Worthington
W Rofe
Joe Clarke
Peter Goodwin
Matthew Clark
Oliver Raimond
James Collins
Daniel Coe
M Busby
Timothy Gibbons
Zac Watson
David Mukenback
T Relph
J Gaynor
Ali Walls
R Gunasekera
DW Ellis
AEM Obeid
RT Hunnybun
AH Shergold
Andrew Roberts
Tissa WEeratunge
Sean Mole
RJ Keating
J M Attwood
Jay Richardson
Martin Rothwell
Christopher N P Jones
O Edafe
Thomas Cash
Tobias E Stedman
Mr D Ferraby
T P Crowley
L P M Macwilliam
B D F Henley-Lock
Ian Baxter
M J King
Robert A Fowdry
JG Clarke
Thomas L Shiels
T Haighton
T S T Birch
K V Charles
Matthew H Clarke
T R Eccles
M C Watters
T J Drinkwater
C L HAzell
Paul R Sellens
Ben Winter
Chris Viggor
Eddy Farmer
Alex Jackson
Thomas Bidmead
Leigh Brocklehurst
Henry Wyse
Matthew Coxom
Jonny Wright
Josh Fitzgerald
Alastair George
Richard Shaw
David Allanson
Robert Michael Conville
Kenji King
Oliver Deneini
Viren Kadodwala
Richard Murray
Joseph Arthur
Avinash Parmour
Tom Harriet
Mike Long
Edwin Belvis
R Meakin
James Hodson
hugs and kisses
brown bear
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Sam Rigby
R M Tyzzer
A Worthington
Matthew Clark
Oliver Raimond
James Collins
Daniel Coe
Daniel Coe guest
Zac Watson
David Mukenback
David Mekenback guest
T Relph
Jo Gaynor
Ali Walls
R Gunasekera
A E M Obeid
A H Shergold
Tissa guest
Sean Mole
Attwood guest
D Ferraby
D Ferraby guest
Oliver De Neini
Oliver De Neini guest
Ian Baxter
Ian Baxter guest
T Haighton
Matthew H Clarke
T J Drinkwater
Sellens guest
Dave Allanson
Dave Allanson guest
James Sen
Michael Fox
Jonny Edwards
Sam Alexander
Sam Alexander guest
Dr Morrel
Dr Morrel guest
Tom Harriet
Tom Harriet guest
Stuart Marsh
Josh King
Matt Laidler
Chris Yu
Glen Irving
Will Rofe
Will Rofe guest
Alastair Shaw
Viren Kadodwala
Henry Wyse
Kenji King
Friday, 6 November 2009
Sam Rigby
R M Tyzzer
A Worthington
Matthew Clark
Oliver Raimond
James Collins
Daniel Coe
Daniel Coe guest
Zac Watson
David Mukenback
David Mekenback guest
T Relph
Jo Gaynor
Ali Walls
R Gunasekera
A E M Obeid
A H Shergold
Tissa guest
Sean Mole
Attwood guest
D Ferraby
D Ferraby guest
Oliver De Neini
Oliver De Neini guest
Ian Baxter
Ian Baxter guest
T Haighton
Matthew H Clarke
T J Drinkwater
Sellens guest
Dave Allanson
Dave Allanson guest
James Sen
Michael Fox
Jonny Edwards
Sam Alexander
Sam Alexander guest
Dr Morrel
Dr Morrel guest
Tom Harriet
Tom Harriet guest
Stuart Marsh
Josh King
Matt Laidler
Chris Yu
Glen Irving
Will Rofe
Will Rofe guest
Alastair Shaw
Viren Kadodwala
Henry Wyse
Kenji King
I need to know by 11th Wednesday November by the latest.
call me on 07828559596
email on
much love xxx
brown bear
a.k.a Rosh
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Stash Deadline!
Much CNP supplemented and Kukri branded Love
Rofeo Done
Thursday, 29 October 2009
We need those Gala cheques in within the next week. Try and bring them down to Grindstone tonight.
Freshers its a great opportunity to get more involved with the club and get yourself known!
Oldies we know what a a great night it is so get your cheques in pronto places are going fast.
If you have a Mrs bring her along too.
Its at a whole new venue, The Grand Holiday Inn, bigger and better than the Hilton.
Its only £30 for a full sit down meal and the 14th Novemeber will definately be a night to remember!
Cheques payable to USUS Medics Rugby
hugs and kisses
Monday, 26 October 2009
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Gala Dinner money due
It is once again time for you to dry clean those suits, polish those
shoes and desperately ask any girl you know to accompany you to this
years Gala Dinner.
The venue is the Holiday Inn, the date is 14th November and the meet
at the hotel between 7 and 7.30 to eat at 8. £30 will provide you with
a three course meal (the pudding’s soft enough so you won’t need your
spoons), half a bottle of wine and some old guy masquerading as a DJ
so you can carry on the party all night (as long as its not after
The old boys this year are taking part in a golf day prior to the
dinner to entice greater numbers. There are only 90 places in total
that will be sold on a first come first served basis. You’re all
encouraged to bring wives (Rees), fiancés (Tissa), girlfriends
(Sellens), partners (that’ll be Pops for me) or even some girl you
woke up next to the week before (Gaynor). I advise you to do this as
they’ll only moan when they’re told they’re not allowed at old boys.
Every year the event is a success but this year we’re really trying to
increase the numbers of old boys. Last time we spent an evening at the
Holiday Inn (Old Boys 2008) it was truly a night to savour and in my
top 10 at university. It’s your chance to meet some of the former
members of the club, who now provide us with drinking money whilst on
tour, and have a jolly good drink with them. Give your cheques (made
payable to USUS Medics Rugby) to either myself, Dave Allanson or R-reg
(Roshan), as soon as you can to avoid disappointment.
Yours in rugby
Alex Worthington
Membership fees due now for 09/10 Season
Unfortunately it has come to that time of year when we must once again
rob you all blind for the financial well being of the club.
In the next two weeks we would like to collect fees off all ongoing
members of the club (not freshers). Could you please bring cheques for
£40 made payable to USUS Medics Rugby to any training sessions or
matches and either hand them to myself, Dave Allanson or the mighty
(at heart) treasurer R-reg (Roshan). Any current members that have not
paid by 24th October will have to pay £45 for making me chase you.
Whilst your student loans are burning holes in your training gear why
not add another £30 to the cheque and reserve your place for the Gala
Dinner on 14th November, further details will follow.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Gala Day - Golfers please contact Glen
As many of you will know by now, Gala Dinner has been pencilled in for Saturday 14th November. The usual ruloes apply, however this year is a little more ambitious than usual.
Glen Irving (Chief Old Boy) has devised an ingenious way to turn what was once a mere dinner into a day long event of high quality fin and entertainment, able to be enjoyed by young and old alike. By his own admission the turd...sorry, 'plan' needs a little polishing, however the basic premise is below.
Please let Glen know if you would like to play golf. You don't need to be good, but no 'Happy Gilmore' shots will be fact, to be safe it's probably best to say that anything associated with the word 'Gilmore' be banned from the golf. Sorry Simon.
Gala Fun Day:
9am: Bacon roll and mug of tea at Beauchief.
10am: 4 ball/4-some matchplay. Allocations of pairings TBA when we work out who is coming.
2pm: Adjourn to suitable establishment to watch local or International Rugby. Eng V Arg 1500. Tigers V St Helens, or Medics V Old Gravians. Options being looked in to.
7pm: S.M.R.U.F.C Gala Dinner. Holiday Inn. Dinner, Drink, Disco, No speeches, Not black tie, ladies welcome.
Costs are estimated to be as follows: Bacon Sandwich & Tea £3, Golf £22, Dinner £30.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Website Updates 09/10 Season
Firstly, apologies for being the world's worst webmaster over the latter half of last season, my computer went up in smoke so I've had to buy a new one! Should be able to eventually salvage the old one as well when I find out what's wrong with it, so should always be backed up in future!
Anyway, this is the new 'News' section of the site, it is in no way 100% finished, however I've chosen a blog for the news page as there are several great advantages. The first is that the committee can now log in and post news articles straight onto here, so even if I'm being crap there will always be new content on the site. Secondly, I can create an RSS feed so that the tech-savvy amongst you can be automatically updated with the latest updates from the club. Thirdly, blogger (the host site) is run by google, which should enable us to do some clever things with the club gmail account where the calendar is stored.
There are several other updates which I'll roll out this week, some obvious, others fairly cutting edge! The obvious ones include the new committee's details, the updating of the homepage (April's cheese of the month is probably a little mature by now!) and this news page. The less obvious (but much more awesome!) include the Amazon Associates scheme. I'll post a news item specifically about this a little later, but what it basically means is that if everyone buys their textbooks, cds, christmas presents etc off Amazon through the club website, the club gets a cut of the profits (up to 15%!!) which is easy money in my book. The Old Boys' section of the site needs a good deal of work, and I'm hoping to get that sorted by Christmas.
I hope everyone's having a good start to the season, hope to see you all soon.
Beard xxx
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Tour Payments Deadline Sunday 15th Feb
There are still spaces available for those who don't mind touring without stash, just get a cheque for £175 to me by Sunday and facebook me to confirm you have dropped it off as I'm away on Saturday and Sunday. I apologise if I've been difficult to get hold of this week, I've had a busy one.
Just want to emphasise the fact that this is the FINAL deadline for those wanting to come on tour!
Hope you are all well
Bill's Address:
50 Cundy Street
S6 2GH
League Decider and Fundraising Event 21st February
Then in the evening come to the West End for a fundraising party for TOUR! This is obviously very important not only for the club but also eveyone who is on tour as it will massively help with the cost! The upstairs of the west end is reserved just for us, Pops (James) will be performing live and the Landlord has kindly donated some fantastic prizes for us to raffle off!
Entry will be £2 on the night and drinks promotions at the bar!! There will also be an auction of some of the old club kit from the last few seasons! Try and get everyone involved - should be an awesome night!!! gig will start at 9 on the night! then on to Pop Tarts after!
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Stash Collection Times
If you haven't yet collected your kit then please see Whiting at 30 Beech Hill Road, the top of the road up from the Med School as soon as possible. Everyone knows stash is one of the best things about playing Rugby (let's face it, we don't do it for the joy of cuddling fat Yorkshiremen in the rain on a Saturday!), so go get yours today! Also could you please check your packages as soon as possible after you pick them up, as there have been (literally) one or two errors, and it's better Whiting finds out soon so he can try to sort it out.
Anyone who needs to get in touch with Whiting for any reason, his number is 07877 841229. Happy Stash Day everyone!!
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Old Boys' Day confirmed for 25th April!
The day will start fairly early with the election of next year's club committee and voting for club awards in the West End, followed by the annual drubbing of the current squad by the much fitter, wiser and drunker Old Boys (well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad!). After that it's on to the Hilton Hotel in the centre of town for the annual knees up and dinner, black tie is the dress code as always. Tickets are £30 for current club members and £35 for Old Boys, which is a real bargain considering how good it's going to be!
Money (cheques only, payable to U.S.U.S Medics Rugby) should be given to Attwood as soon as possible, either at training or by post: 1 Pisgah House Road, Broomhill, Sheffield, S10 5BJ (haha BJ...). As always Attwood is available on his mobile (07912 604532) if you have any questions.
Monday, 26 January 2009
Stash Collection - Don't harass Whiting's housemates!!
I'll let you know some other collection times later in the week. Depends when I'm back from Leeds as I don't want to make my housemates dish it out cos they all have exams and are working hard etc.
Also we are 1 Tshirt, and compression leggins short. If you can all check your packages and have a bit of honesty we can sort it all out. 3 mistakes (hopefully) out of 76 packages isn't bad going by me and Sellens... Obviously if there is anything wrong, you know where to find me and have a moan, my mobile's 07877 841229 if your kit fever can't wait!"
Just to remind you all of what you're getting - the stash!
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Club Songs and Games available to download
Behold his creation!! - a club hymn-book in the style of the bible, containing a pretty comprehensive list of all our club songs and games, including Yogi Bear, Tampax Factory, and of course: Men of Sheffield. It also contains songs that we just like to sing, such as Rock the Casbah, You've Lost that Loving Feeling, and American Pie!
So get downloading and learning before Tour, as there's now no excuse for not knowing!
St Foxy's Medics Rugby Hymn Book
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Old Boys Dinner - Coming Soon!
More details will be posted on here in the coming weeks, but keep around £30 earmarked for this annual festival of wanton depravity and champagne rugby skills - It's a masterclass in Rugby and Drinking from those who've been doing it the longest, not an event to be missed!
Mr Men Fancy Dress this Saturday!
This week sees the Mr Men fancy dress social in the West End on Saturday after the games, and seeing what Attwood's done with costume socials so far this year, it promises to be a top fun night! In case you've forgotten how many Mister Men there are, here's a handy guide
Get working on those costumes (cardboard and paint should do most of them!), as Sheffield has a long and illustrious history of Mr Men costumes, and we wouldn't want to let the side down!